Wednesday 6 June 2012

Important Figures in The Development of Computer Tecnology

Important Figures in The Development of Computer Tecnology

Many people have heard of figures like Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. These people are influential, but I am focusing on the beginnings of the most basic type of computer. These people base their technology of what these old folks have done. I had already mentioned a few figures that initiated and started the development of computers but there are also many more people that have influenced the design of the computers we have today. Here is a more detailed biography of each of these people. 

Alan Turing

Alan TuringIt is known that he invented a machine that changed the development of computers, but no one knows truly how vital this was. His invention of the Turing machine helped the Americans break the Germans Coding in World War II. This code reading/interpreting machine was a major building block in the modern technology we have today. Our development of this system might have been sped up had Turing not committed suicide in 1954.

Charles Babbage

Charles BabbageIs credited to making the first working “computer”. He is also credited with coming up with the idea of the mechanical computer. It was through research and determination that his idea became a reality. He created the first programmable computer. His invention inspired other people to work on computers, and if it weren’t for him we might not even have computers this day (NO COMP SCI COURSE? OH NO). Although he died in 1871, his son continued his work.

John con Neumann

John von NeumanJohn was considered a brilliant mathematician, but he also well known for the computer architecture he developed. His architecture included the data and the program stored in the same place, on the computers memory. This allowed for more flexible computers that were easier to program. This is still the basis of the technology we have today, but it has just been improved.

Tommy Flowers

Tommy FlowersTommy is another member of the team involved in breaking the German Enigma Code, along Alan Turing. Tommy made a faster and is credited for making the first programmable and digital computer. It’s code breaking skills were unmatched and this alone helped shorten the war. This was proven when he decrypted a message (with his team), that Hitler was not goes to send troops to the Normandy beaches, resulting in a higher success rate for the D-Day landings (which did, ultimately, succeed).

Components of a Computer

Major Components of a Computer

Control unit

The control unit is the circuitry that controls the flow of data through the processor, and coordinates the activities of the other units within it. In a way, it is the "brain within the brain", as it controls what happens inside the processor, which in turn controls the rest of the PC.

 Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

Simple processes are performed by the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU for short). The ALU is made up of devices called gates that receive one or more inputs and, based upon what function they are designed to perform, output a result. The ALU in our example performs one of seven functions: NOT, Left Shift, Right Shift, Add, Subtract, AND, and OR.
The ALU takes two inputs, loaded from registers on the chip. For the commands Not through Right Shift, only the first input is used. The second is completely ignored. The ALU can also let its first input pass through unchanged. The function executed is determined by three additional input bits, specifying the number of the function. Depending on the result of the function, the ALU outputs two bits, called N and Z. N is a one when the result is negative (i.e. the left-moat bit is a one), and Z is a one when the result is zero. These bits are helpful for determining what the computer should do next. Then the answer is routed back to a register to be stored for future use.


The term “memory” identifies data storage that comes in the form of chips, and the word “storage” is used for memory that exists on tapes or disks. Moreover, the term memory is usually used as a shorthand for “physical memory”, which refers to the actual chips capable of holding data. Some computers also use virtual memory, which expands physical memory onto a hard disk.
Every computer comes with a certain amount of physical memory, usually referred to as “main memory” or “RAM”. You can think of main memory as an array of boxes, each of which can hold a single byte of information. A computer that has 1 megabyte of memory, therefore, can hold about 1 million bytes (or characters) of information.
There are several different types of memory:
  • RAM (random-access memory): This is the same as main memory. When used by itself, the term RAM refers to read and write memory; that is, you can both write data into RAM and read data from RAM. This is in contrast to ROM, which permits you only to read data. Most RAM is volatile, which means that it requires a steady flow of electricity to maintain its contents. As soon as the power is turned off, whatever data was in RAM is lost.
  • ROM (read-only memory): Computers almost always contain a small amount of read-only memory that holds instructions for starting up the computer. Unlike RAM, ROM cannot be written to.
  • PROM (programmable read-only memory): A PROM is a memory chip on which you can store a program. But once the PROM has been used, you cannot wipe it clean and use it to store something else. Like ROMs, PROMs are non-volatile.
  • EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory): An EPROM is a special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light.
  • EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory): An EEPROM is a special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to an electrical charge.

Input/output (I/O)
Before a computer can process your data, you need some method to input the data into the machine. The device you use will depend on what form this data takes (be it text, sound, artwork, etc.).Similarly, after the computer has processed your data, you often need to produce output of the results. This output could be a display on the computer screen, hardcopy on printed pages, or even the audio playback of music you composed on the computer.The terms “input” and “output” are used both as verbs to describe the process of entering or displaying the data, and as nouns referring to the data itself entered into or displayed by the computer.



The defining features of modern computers today are that they can be programmed. This means that the in the computer will be installed instructions that the computer will have to process, and perform. Most machines today use different languages to be programmed. These languages are not common languages they are programming languages. These languages often don’t make sense if they are spoken out loud, because they are composed of “words”, numbers, and commands. Here is an example of a code, written in the visual basic language:

There are many different and more complex programming languages that allow you to program more complex programs and applications. This is the concept that your computer uses to perform basic functions, and tasks.

Programming Languages

          As I mentioned before there are many different languages, which are used to program, but there are also different types. Low-level programming languages are unique to the type of computer they are programmed for, they are relatively simple and can only be read by the type of the computer they are programmed for. Some of these languages include ARM, MIPS, and x86. High-Level Programming Languages are much more complex. Writing codes in these languages are much more difficult as they are longer. Although they are longer they are able to “express the needs of the programmer more conveniently” meaning that the errors are reduced. Video games use high level programming languages. Some of these languages include Ada, BASIC, C, C++, and Java.

             Various High Level Programming Languages

Stored Program Technology

        Most commands that a computer executes are relatively simple. These commands are read from the computers memory and are executed in the order they were programmed. Although they perform simple operations they also perform specialized instructions such as, moving back part way through the program and starting from there instead of from the beginning. This type of technology is called stored program architecture, and it is used by most RAM- based computers. This type of programming architecture, is much more efficient than imputing information manually as you can code a program to do the task much faster. Since the computer is programmed it rarely makes mistakes making it much more efficient.

Early History of Computers and Computer Science

Early History of Computers and Computer Science 

        The beginnings of computers began near the end of the 10th century, when a French monk by the name of Gerbert d’Aurillac brought back the designs of a machine that answered yes and no questions. These designs were later implemented in the early 13th century when two monks by the names of Albertus Magnus, and Roger Bacon, developed talking androids. Thomas Aquinas was terrified by these androids and destroyed them, putting an end to their work.
Thomas Aquinas
        The resurgence of this technology was in the early 17th century, when the Renaissance pictured a device that could solve the four basic arithmetic operations without relying on human intelligence (a calculator). This picture became a reality when Charles Babbage developed the first working mechanical calculator, in the 19th century. This technology progressed into a low cost electric calculator, and this became the first microprocessor circuit available to the public.
None other than Charles Babbage developed the first general-purpose computer in 1837. This computer was fully programmable. Later on his son Henry Babbage completed a simplified version of the computer, on which he gave a successful demonstration of.
Henry Babbage's Calculator

         In the late 1880’s, Herman Hollerith developed a technology of recording data on a machine-readable medium. It is through this invention that the first working programmable, fully automatic computer was built. Through research and development many programming ideas and technologies had started to develop.
         The modern computers we have today, are programmed with complex algorithms, and these algorithms were first developed by Alan Turing. Alan Turing is considered the father of computer science as he formalized the idea of algorithms and computation, with his Turing Machine. Turing Machines are devices that manipulate symbols on strips of tape according to the rules programmed. Alan Turing had the most impact on what are now our modern day computers.
Alan Turings 1st Turing Machine

Modern Day Computers

          Computers Introduction

We live in a very advanced society, much different from what we were 100 years ago. Our technology has greatly developed, and changed throughout the years. One device that has been around for sometime, and has been advanced on, is the basic computer system. Computers are devices that are made to carry out a set of arithmetic and logical operations, also known as codes. Computers in this day are much more sleek and they have even been made into a portable form (known as laptops). Some companies that make computers and laptops include Apple, Dell, Sony, Hp, IBM, and Acer. Computers are made to solve many different sequences and problems. These sequences and problems are used to make many different programs, including mostly every application on an computer.